Sunday, November 15, 2009

Card Box - Easy!

Card boxes come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and even themes. Bird cages are popular, but there is the fear that cards can easily be slipped out through the cage bars (although, seriously, who are these people being invited to weddings who would steal from the bride and groom???).

I wanted a damask-like box to tie into our wedding's theme. Etsy had some wonderful selections, but they were rather expensive for, well, a box - not to mention that this box would then have to fit in the car at the end of the night with the other gifts.

So, with only a few weeks to go, I decided to make my own box. Because we had received many of the wedding gifts prior to the event, there were several box of varying size hanging around the apartment. I decided on the box our new knife set came in (awesome Calphalon knives, by the way!) and wrapped it in white-on-white paper from The Container Store. I then wrapped a band of light blue chiffon ribbon (also from the Container Store) around the box about 1/3 of the way down from the top.
I made the bow following these instructions from, who else, but Martha:
Don't forget to cut a slit on the top of the box! (An Exacto knife will help to make this more accurate.)

Box (find a used one): $0.00
Wrapping paper: $6.99
Chiffon ribbon: $4.99
TOTAL COST: $11.00

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